An exemple
Basic Profile Generation module
As a first step, the basic Profile Generation module can be donwload. The file "Profile_Generation_module.sci" allows obtaining the inner, outer and contact points line and export it to a CAD software.

The main instructions to install and work are:
1. Install Scilab©(
2. You should create a folder in C: drive with the name "GeroLAB_package"
3. Copy the file with the source code named "Profile_Generation_module.sci" (by clicking in this link) inside the folder "GeroLAB_package"
4. Run Scilab© and, in the Scipad code, do "Execute" (Ctrl+l).
5. It will generate the three files in x,y coordenates that you can draw and plot in CAD or Excel
In exchange, we would be very grateful if you could reference authors and the institution (LABSON - Fluid Mechanics Department, UPC) in your reports, papers, journal papers, technical reports, ... when the software is used (license).
You can also download a very useful Linux Terminal Command Guide here:
Disclaimer and Legal Issues
There has been a considerable effort with multiple tests to ensure that the results obtained with GeroLAB will be correct. Nevertheless, neither the author/s nor the Department of Fluid Mechanics at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia are responsible or assume any connection with any of the results obtained with the program, and the use made thereof, nor for any damages or litigation that might result from the use of the program for any purpose.
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